The countries that minted the most female college graduates in fields like s

游客2023-12-28  40

问题     The countries that minted the most female college graduates in fields like science, engineering, or math were also some of the least gender-equal countries. According to a paper by Gijsbert Stoet and David Geary, psychologists at Leeds Beckett University and the University of Missouri respectively, this is because the countries that empower women also empower them, indirectly, to pick whatever career they’d enjoy most and be best at.
    "Countries with the highest gender equality tend to be welfare states," they write, "with a high level of social security." Meanwhile, less gender-equal countries tend to also have less social support for people who, for example, find themselves unemployed. Thus, the authors suggest, girls in those countries might be more inclined to choose stem professions, since they offer a more certain financial future than, say, painting or writing.
    When the experts looked at the "overall life satisfaction" rating of each country—a measure of economic opportunity and hardship—they found that gender-equal countries had more life satisfaction. The life-satisfaction ranking explained 35 percent of the variation between gender equality and women’s participation in stem. That correlation echoes past research showing that the genders are actually more segregated by field of study in more economically developed places.
    The upshot of this research is neither especially feminist nor especially sad: It’s not that gender equality discourages girls from pursuing science. It’s that it allows them not to if they’re not interested.
    The findings will likely seem controversial, since the idea that men and women have different inherent abilities is often used as a reason, by some, to argue we should forget trying to recruit more women into the stem fields. But, as the University of Wisconsin gender-studies professor Janet Shibley Hyde put it, that’s not quite what’s happening here.
    "Some would say that the gender stem gap occurs not because girls can’t do science, but because they have other alternatives, based on their strengths in verbal skills," she said. "In wealthy nations, they believe that they have the freedom to pursue those alternatives and not worry so much that they pay less."
    Instead, this line of research, if it’s replicated, might hold useful takeaways for people who do want to see more Western women entering stem fields. In this study, the percentage of girls who did excel in science or math was still larger than the number of women who were graduating with stem degrees. That means there’s something in even the most liberal societies that’s nudging women away from math and science, even when those are their best subjects. The women-in-stem advocates could, for starters, focus their efforts on those would-be stem stars.


答案     在理科、工科和数学等专业产出女毕业生最多的国家往往也是性别平等状况最差的国家。吉斯波特.斯托耶特和大卫.吉尔分别是利兹贝克特大学和密苏里大学的心理学家,两位学者在其最近发表的论文中指出,上述情况的产生原因是赋予女性权利的国家也间接赋予了女性选择自己最为心仪、最为擅长的职业的权利。

解析     本文选自于《大西洋月刊》2018年的一篇报道,属于新闻评论文体,从理工科女生数目相对较少这一现象入手,通过调查研究得出结论:越是性别平等的国家,理工科女生也越少。随后,文章基于这一研究结果,进一步探讨男女性别差异和社会状况也决定了较少的女性选择理工科专业。《大西洋月刊》是美国最受推崇的杂志之一,文章体裁涉及文学、政治、科学与艺术等多个方面。该刊物坚持无党派、无偏见原则,文章总体客观公正也不乏幽默轻松之氛围。上述考题文章整体上逻辑清晰,用词简洁,过渡衔接机制使用得当,但从翻译角度而言,译者需要了解学术研究的文体特征,同时借助原文内部衔接推测词义,从而更为准确地理解原文并以恰当的汉语重构译文。
    第二段中涉及词汇意义的理解问题。gender-equal这一复合词文字简单,表意清晰,译者应以简单清晰的语言加以阐释。另一个较难理解的词汇是stem profession,对于该词语,译者可以结合前后文语境,尤其是since引导的原因状语从句帮助确定词义。
    第三段中涉及抽象名词的处理,如life satisfaction,correlation,variation等词语,译者需要结合整段表述的内容将相应的词汇具体化。另外,本段文字也考查译者对学术性文本文体风格的把握能力,译者需注意尽量使自己的表述简洁严谨。
    第四段文字较短,涉及抽象形容词的处理,如feminist,sad等词语。另外,本段中涉及并列结构:It’s not that…,It’s that…。处理该结构时,译者应保证语言尽量平行铺排,简洁有力。
    第七段中涉及具体词汇的理解问题,比如名词takeaways、动词nudge、复合词women-in-stem,以及介词短语for starters等词汇和表达。这些表述均要求译者结合前后文确定具体语境意义。