
游客2023-12-25  15

问题     上个世纪70年代末,我参加了第四次全国文代会,大会上小平同志致辞时获得的长时间的热烈掌声给我留下了极深的印象。这次大会是文艺界经历十年浩劫后的第一次盛会,也是小平同志复出后第一次代表党中央、国务院同广大文艺工作者见面。


答案     Towards the end of the 1970s, I attended the 4th National Conference on Culture and Art Work. The long and enthusiastic ovation Comrade Deng Xiaoping received during his speech left a deep impression on me. This was the first culture and art gathering after the disastrous decade of "cultural revolution", and also Deng’s first meeting with the country’s culture and art workers on behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council after his latest "comeback".
    After the 3rd national conference in 1960, China’s culture and art circles had been under the grips of "bad luck". Lin Biao and the "Gang of Four", in their push for the extremist "Left" line, turned many gifted writers, artists into "capitalist roaders" and "reactionary authority", brutalizing them, even killing some of them. Many otherwise good works of art or correct theoretical propositions were castigated as "poisonous weeds". The decade left behind a terrible ruin in China’s culture and art.
    Deng’ s speech at the conference represented the rehabilitation of China’ s culture work. It was also a morale booster to the culture and art workers. I remember that as Xiaoping approached the podium, a big round of thunderous applause was heard in the auditorium. And as he went on, his speech was interrupted again and again by warm and thunderous applauses.
    I remember many years ago when TASS reported on Soviet leaders’ speeches, it would mark the end of every paragraph with bracketed "applause", "warm applause", "tumultuous applause", "thunderous applause" or other descriptions to highlight the result. They were not exactly truthful as I learned later. But, to use these words to describe Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s speech at that conference was highly accurate. These applauses were indeed sincere and heartfelt.

解析     本文是回忆邓小平同志的发言。本文要求应试者具有相关中国政治方面的概念常识,能够正确理解并翻译某些术语,这些知识构成基本素质的考查点。此外,应试者还需根据英语语言习惯,重新整理中文句子结构,在此基础上,应试者要灵活处理对某些单词或短语的翻译,使之不仅正确,还应符合上下文语境的要求。
    1.全国文代会    National Conference on Culture and Art Work
    2.十年浩劫      the disastrous decade of “cultural revolution”
    3.党中央        Party Central Committee
    4.国务院        the State Council
    5.四人帮        Gang of Four
    6.走资派        capitalist roader
    7.塔斯社        TASS
    8.苏联的        Soviet
    根据原句的含义,可确定译文主干部分使用leave impression on结构,依据该词组可确定句中相应的其它成分。因此,原句可译为“The long and enthusiastic ovation Comrade Deng Xiaoping received during his speech left a deep impression on me."
    该句可按照中文句子的正常语序翻译,原句后半部分的动词短语“同……见面”可用做名词短语译为分句的主语,以适应on behalf of结构的要求。有时,根据英文句型的要求,需改变原文中的词性。因此,原句可译为“This was the first culture and art gathering after the disastrous decade of ‘cultural revolution’,and also Deng’s first meeting with the country’s culture and art workers on behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council after his latest‘comeback’.”
    该句译文将原有的汉语松散结构重新调整,信息重整后确定为简单句结构,使译文结构紧凑。有时,根据中文句子松散的特点,可打破原有语序,重新组合结构。因此,原句可译为“Lin Biao and the ‘Gang of Four’,in their push for the extremist‘Left’line,turned many gifted writers,artists into‘capitalist roaders’and‘reactionary authority’,brutalizing them,even killing some of them.”
    该句译文需重组原句成分,将“经过……”状语短语中的十多年用作全句主语,并增加谓语部分短语“leave behind”,这样译句结构紧凑、地道。因此,原句可译为“The decade left behind a terrible ruin in China’s culture and art.”
    该句对“后来听说”的处理颇为巧妙,使用了as引导的定语从句形式,使全句结构紧凑。即便是口译,译者也要尽可能使用地道的英文表达方式。这要求译者平时多积累常见句型,as引导的定语从句形式便是其中一例。因此,原句可译为“They were not exactly truthful as I learned later.”
    1.留下极深印象         leave deep impression on...
    2.文艺工作者           cultural and art worker
    3.处于“多事之秋”     under the grip of“bad luck”
    4.极左路线             extremist “Left” line
    5.反动权威             reactionary authority
    6.有杰出贡献的         gifted
    7.清剿                 castigate
    8.重新估价             rehabilitation
    9.为……鼓劲           a morale booster
    10.表现效果            highlight the result