下面你将听到的是一段有关中国健康事业发展的讲话。 [originaltext] 健康是人类生存和社会发展的基本条件。…… ……多年来,
下面你将听到的是一段有关中国健康事业发展的讲话。 [originaltext] 健康是人类生存和社会发展的基本条件。…… ……多年来,
……多年来,中国坚持为人民健康服务,把提高人民的健康水平、实现人人得享健康作为发展的重要目标。经过长期不懈奋斗,中国显著提高了人民健康水平,不仅摘掉了“东亚病夫” 的耻辱帽子,而且公共卫生整体实力、医疗服务和保障能力不断提升,全民身体素质、健康素养持续增强,被世界卫生组织誉为“发展中国家的典范”。
Health is a precondition for the survival of humanity and the development of human society.…
…China has always put the people’s health at the top of its policy agenda, working hard to improve the people’s health and fitness, and making universal health and fitness a primary goal of development. With years of strenuous effort, marked progress has been achieved in making the Chinese people healthier—China is no longer the "sick man of East Asia." China has made continued improvement in boosting the overall strength of its public health and medical services, and in enhancing the physical fitness and health conditions of its people. China has been hailed as a "role model for developing countries" by the World Health Organization (WHO) in recognition of its achievements.
The development in the field of health services has brought concrete benefits to the Chinese people. The average life expectancy of the Chinese rose to 76.5 years in 2016 from 67.9 years in 1981; maternal mortality dropped from 88.9 per 100,000 persons in 1990 to 19.9 per 100,000 persons in 2016; and infant mortality declined from 34.7 per 1,000 in 1981 to 7.5 per 1,000 in 2016. The main health indicators of the Chinese are generally better than the average level of middle-and high-income countries, and China has achieved the UN’s Millennium Goals in this regard ahead of schedule. Furthermore, China has established a complete medical and health system that is guided by the Constitution, based on civil laws and regulations, laws and administrative regulations on health, and local regulations, and directed by the outlines, programs, and plans of the health sector. The system has proved effective in maintaining sound doctor-patient relations, addressing medical disputes with impartiality, and ensuring citizens’ right to health.
…We are keenly aware that safeguarding people’s health is a systematic project. It takes a long period of sustained efforts. At present, with the situation of the country’s industrialization, urbanization and aging population, as well as the changing disease spectrum, ecological environment and lifestyle, the Chinese people are still facing a complex situation in which multiple disease threats coexist and a variety of health factors are intertwined; meanwhile, with the improvement of living standards and enhancement of the concept of health of the people, public demand for health products and health services continues to grow, showing multi-level, diversified and individualized characteristics. Consequently, China is faced with health problems common to both developed and developing countries.
In order to better safeguard people’s right to health, we are speeding up the building of a heathy China. A series of plans and outlines have been made and implemented, including the "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline, the National Fitness Program(2016-2020), the 13th Five-Year Plan for Medical and Health Service Development, and the Plan for Deepening Reform of the Medical and Healthcare System During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period (2016-2020). The Chinese government has put forward a "three-step" goal: a sound basic medical and healthcare system with Chinese characteristics will be established covering both urban and rural residents, with the main health indicators ranking in the forefront of the high-and middle-income countries by 2020; the health-promotion system will be improved, with the main health indicators in the ranks of the high-income countries by 2030; and a healthy China conforming to the requirements of a modern socialist country will be built by 2050. Governments at all levels will continue their work toward comprehensively safeguarding people’s health for the full life cycle, and promoting the overall development of medical and health services, with a high sense of responsibility and urgency.
Health is an eternal pursuit of mankind, and health promotion is the common responsibility of the world community.... China will, as always, energetically participate in health-related international activities, take an active part in global health governance, and implement sustainable development goals in the public health sector. In its efforts to build the Belt and Road, China will enhance medical and health cooperation with countries along the route, and emphasize learning from and drawing on the experiences of other countries. In the great process of "jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind," China is keen to join hands with people around the world in making unremitting efforts to build a better and healthier world.
(1)第二段中,“多年来,中国坚持为人民健康服务,把提高人民的健康水平、实现人人得享健康作为发展的重要目标”一句是一个非常典型的中文句,句与句之间没有逻辑词用以串联。在译为英语时,应当使用恰当的连词或副词来体现各句之间的逻辑。由此,本句应译作China has always put the people’s health at the top of its policy agenda, working hard to improve the people’s health and fitness, and making universal health and fitness a primary goal of development。
(2)第三段主要内容为中国在健康事业上取得的成就。本段前半部分包含大量数字信息。源语为中文,数字的听辨难度不大,但译员应当注意几个表示“比例”的数字,其分母不是常见的“100”,而是“10万”和“1000”。在口译过程中,处理类似表达较为简洁的方法是利用per这个单词,将比例关系体现出来,例:88.9/10万,译作:88.9 per 100,000;34.7‰译作:34.7 per 1,000。此外,注意几类常见法律法规的译法。宪法:Constitution;民事法律法规:civil laws and regulations;卫生行政法律法规:laws and administrative regulations on health.
(3)第四段主要内容是中国健康事业面临的挑战。本段首先要注意“由于工业化、城镇化、人口老龄化,由于疾病谱、生态环境、生活方式不断变化”这一部分的翻译,此处谈及中国当前面临的复杂局面的多方面原因,并列成分较多,听辩时需要迅速记下关键词,译作: with the situation of the country’s industrialization, urbanization and aging population, as well as the changing disease spectrum, ecological environment and lifestyle.“中国既面对着发达国家面临的健康问题,也面对着发展中国家面临的健康问题”这一句译作:Consequently, China is faced with health problems common to both developed and developing countries。本句译文开头,补充了原文中未体现的“consequently”一词。中文是意合语言,往往没有明显的逻辑词,但英文是形合语言,需要根据上下文,补充逻辑词,保证译文流畅和地道。
(4)第五段的主要内容是中国在面临诸多挑战时所采取的应对措施。“建立覆盖城乡居民的中国特色基本医疗卫生制度”可译作A sound basic medical and healthcare system with Chinese characteristics will be established covering both urban and rural residents。中文定语往往放在名词前,原文定语中涵盖了较多信息,在译成英文时需灵活调整定语的位置。
(5)第六段的主要内容为中国在健康领域进行的国际合作。本段中,有较多具有中国特色的表达,翻译时应当注意准确性。“一带一路”译作the Belt and Road,“人类命运共同体”译作a community with a shared future for mankind。
在背侧丘脑中,属于特异性传导中继核团的是( )A.腹前核 B.腹外侧核