News can be something the authorities want you to know, or something they wo
News can be something the authorities want you to know, or something they wo
News can be something the authorities want you to know, or something they would rather keep secret: an announcement of a (1) , denial of a failure, or a secret scandal that nobody really wants you to (2) . If the authorities want to tell the world some good news, they issue statements, communiques, and call (3) . Or politicians make speeches. Local newspapers, radio and television help to (4) to what is going on. And by making contacts with (5) , journalists can ask for more information or explanations to help them (6) .
Unless the correspondent is an (7) , it is rare to trust any single source. Officials have a policy to defend, and (8) want to attack it. Rumor and gossip can also confuse the situation. So, you have to (9) as much as possible, using common sense and experience as final checks to help establish just what’s likely to be the truth, or (10) .
Just getting the news is only half the job. A correspondent may be well-informed, but his job is to (11) , the public. So, once the information is available it has to be written (12) which is also easily understood. Particularly for radio, since, while a newspaper reader can turn back and reread a sentence or two, the radio listener has (13) . This also means that only a limited number of facts can be contained in a sentence and that there should be an (14) . And vital information necessary to understand the latest development should be presented (15) in ease the producer of a news program decides to (16) an item, by cutting for example the last sentence or two.
Finally, the style of presentation must (17) . A cheerful voice might be perfect for a (18) . But it would be sadly out of place for a report of a (19) . And this would also confuse and distract the listener, probably (20) just what had happened and to whom. [br]
News can be something the authorities want you to know, or something they would rather keep secret: an announcement of a government success, denial of a failure, or a secret scandal that nobody really wants you to talk about. If the authorities want to tell the world some good news, they issue statements, communiques, and call press conferences. Or politicians make speeches. Local newspapers, radio and television help to alert foreign correspondents to what is going on. And by making contacts with local officials, journalists can ask for more information or explanations to help them write their stories.
Unless the correspondent is an eye witness, it is rare to trust any single source. Officials have a policy to defend, and opposition politicians want to attack it. Rumor and gossip can also confuse the situation. So, you have to check information as much as possible, using common sense and experience as final checks to help establish just what’s likely to be the truth, or close to it.
Just getting the news is only half the job. A correspondent may be well-informed, but his job is to inform other people, the public. So, once the information is available it has to be written in an interesting way which is also easily understood. Particularly for radio, since, while a newspaper reader can turn back and reread a sentence or two, the radio listener has only one chance. This also means that only a limited number of facts can be contained in a sentence and that there should be an element of repetition. And vital information necessary to understand the latest development should be presented at the start of a report in case the producer of a news program decides to shorten an item, by cutting for example the last sentence or two.
Finally, the style of presentation must match the subject matter. A cheerful voice might be perfect for a royal wedding. But it would be sadly out of place for a report of a plane crash. And this would also confuse and distract the listener, probably making it difficult to understand just what had happened and to whom.
write their stories
塔式起重机主要安全装置有哪些?()A.起重力矩限制器 B.限速器 C.
案例: 一位热爱教育工作的美术教师为了使学生更好地学习,对学生提供一个更有情
(2016年11月)某制造业上市公司推出股票期权激励计划,具体方案如下: ①参
肠结核A.X线钡剂灌肠示结肠呈水管状 B.X线钡剂检査示回肠末端呈线样
关于公允价值,下列说法正确的是()。 A.公允价值是内在价值 B.公允价值