
游客2023-12-22  31

问题     杭州素以风景秀丽著称。大约七百年前,意大利最著名的旅行家马可.波罗曾称誉它是“世界上最美丽华贵之城”。境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。湖上有彩带似的苏堤、白堤飘落其上。三潭印月、湖心亭、阮公墩三个小岛鼎立湖中。岳庙、西泠印社、曲院风荷、平湖秋月、花港观鱼、柳浪闻莺等景点,均在湖之周围。环湖耸立的山峰,千姿百态。山上多岩洞,洞内景色优美,且多古代石刻;山间多泉,以虎跑、龙井、玉泉为佳;九溪十八涧则以“叮叮咚咚水,弯弯曲曲路”著称。此外,还有灵隐寺、六合塔、保俶塔、净慈寺、韬光、云栖等名胜古迹。


答案     Hangzhou has a reputation for its scenic beauty. About 700 years ago, Marco Polo, perhaps the most celebrated Italian traveler, called it "the finest and most magnificent city in the world".
    Hangzhou’s West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enhancing beauty. The Su Causeway which runs from north to south and the Bai Causeway which runs from east to west look like two colored ribbons floating on the water. The three islets named "Three Pools Mirroring the Moon", "the Mid-lake Pavilion" and the "Ruangong Mound" stand in the lake, adding much charm to the scene. Famous beauty spots around West Lake include Yue Fei Temple, Xiling Seal-Engraving Society, Breeze-Ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden, Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake, and several parks like "Viewing Fish at the Flower Pond" and "Orioles Singing in the Willows".
    Hill peaks tower around the lake and amaze the visitor with the ever-changing aspects of their beauty. Scattered in the adjacent hills are scenic caves and caverns, most of which have many stone sculptures carved on their walls. Also among the hills one finds spring everywhere, perhaps best represented by Tiger Spring, Dragon Well Spring and Jade Spring. The place called Nine Creeks and Eighteen Gullies is well known for its twisting paths and murmuring streams. Other scenic sites of historical interest include the Monastery of the Soul’s Retreat, Pagoda of Six Harmonies, Baochu Pagoda, Monastery of Pure Benevolence, Taoguang Temple and a scenic path known as Bamboo-Lined Path at Yunxi.
