On each side of a bright river he saw rise a line of brighter palaces, arched

游客2023-12-20  29

问题    On each side of a bright river he saw rise a line of brighter palaces, arched and pillared, and inlaid with deep red porphyry, and with serpentine; along the quays before their gates were riding troops of knights, noble in face and form, dazzling in crest and shield; horse and man one labyrinth of quaint color and gleaming light -- the purple, and silver, and scarlet fringes flowing over the strong limbs and clashing mail, like sea-waves over rock at sunset. Opening on each side from the river were gardens, courts, and cloisters; long successions of white pillars among wreaths of vine; leaping of fountains through buds of pomegranate and orange; and still a- long the garden-paths, and under and through the crimson of the pomegranate shadows, moving slowly, groups of the fairest women that Italy ever saw--fairest, because purest and most thoughtful; trained in all high knowledge, as in all courteous art--in dance, in song, in sweet wit, in lofty learning, in loftier courage, in loftiest love--able alike to cheer, to enchant, or save the souls of men.


答案    在一条波光粼粼的小河的两岸,矗立着一排金碧辉煌的宫殿,拱门石柱,镶嵌着深红色的斑岩和蛇纹岩;宫殿门前的码头上,一对对骑在马上的骑士,气宇轩昂,神色奕奕,头盔和盾牌金光闪闪,耀眼夺目。马和骑士组成了一种奇特亮丽的色彩,光怪陆离——紫色,银白和猩红色的流苏,飘垂在健壮的四肢和铿锵作响的铠甲上,宛如红日西坠时拍打着岩石的海浪,流光异彩。呈现在河两岸的是花园,庭院和回廊;缠绕着的紫葡萄藤花环,掩映着白色石柱,一根接着一根,连成长长的一排;石榴花和橙子花丛中的喷泉,喷着股股小水珠;沿着花园小径,在绛红色石榴花的花荫下,一群群的少女,款款而行,她们是意大利最美的少女;说她们最美,是因为她们最纯洁无邪,考虑最周到,接受过各种高等教育,她们能歌善舞,精通各种社交艺术,她们言谈超凡,才智超群,情趣高雅,勇气可嘉;她们的爱高尚无比——她们能给男人以鼓舞,使之陶醉,并拯救他们的灵魂。
