
游客2023-12-20  16

问题    将近九十年以后,毛姆在一次广播讲话里用自己的话重申了这个看法,并作了发挥。如果我没有理解错的话,毛姆先生说的是:人的头脑的基本构造之中具有一种东西,它非常喜欢甚至要求听人讲故事,讲一个开头、中间、结尾都齐全的故事。他还说,现代有些作家过分热衷于剖析心理和进行论证,忽视讲故事要注意完整性这一重要特点,结果使得侦探故事普遍趋于一般化。我感到这两位十分不同的作家所作的精辟论断相得益彰,都是很有启发的。柯林斯是要“讲一个故事”,就在这讲故事的过程中,他形成了侦探小说家所需要的条理性和善于作细致描写的本领。


答案    Nearly ninety years later Somerset Maugham,in a broadcast talk,reiterated that opinion in his own words and elaborated it further.Mr.Mangham,if I understood him a- right,stated that there is something in the fundamental make- up of the human mind which delights in,and even demands, a story—a story with a beginning,a middle,and an end.It is,he said,because some modern novelists,over-anxious to develop psychology and dialectic,neglect this essential completeness in story telling,that the vogue of the detective story has become so general.

解析 “reiterate”为“to say again or repeatedly”,“elaborate”为“to express at greater length or in greater detail”此篇译文在“人的头脑的基本构造之中……的故事”中需要舍译,用上定语从句为"something that”;其中还可以运用减译法,“要求听人讲故事”为“demands a story”。下面一句运用舍译法,用上强调句型“it is because…that…”;其中“剖析心理和进行论证”可运用词类转移法,为“phychology and dialectic,”而“讲故事要注意完整性这一重要特点”为“this essential completeness”,“vogue”为“the prevailing fashion,practice or style”,“结果使得侦探故事普遍趋于一般化”则可以运用词序调整法,为“the vogue of the detective story has become so general”。