是的,北平是个都城,而能有好多自己产生的花、菜、水果,这就是人更接近了自然。从它里面 说,它没有象伦敦的那些成天冒烟的工厂;从外面说,它紧连着园林、菜圃

游客2023-12-15  27

问题     是的,北平是个都城,而能有好多自己产生的花、菜、水果,这就是人更接近了自然。从它里面 说,它没有象伦敦的那些成天冒烟的工厂;从外面说,它紧连着园林、菜圃、与农村。采菊东篱下, 在这里,确是可以悠然见南山的;大概把“南”变成个“西”和“北”,也没有多少了不得的吧。像 我这样的一个贫寒的人,或者只是在北平能享受一点清福了。好,不再说了吧;要落泪了,真想念北平呀!


答案     The city of Peking brings its inhabitants into closer contact with nature by growing flowers, vegetables and fruits in large quantities. The city proper is not polluted by factory chimneys such as those in London giving off volumes of smoke all day long. On the our skirts of the city lie numerous flower gardens, vegetable farms and villagers. An ancient Chinese poet by the name of Tao Yuanming says aptly in one of his famous poems, "Plucking chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge, I calmly view the southern halls. To adapt it to life in Peking, I might as well substitute the word "western" or "northern" for the word "southern" in the line. Peking is probably the only place for a man with limited means like me to live an easy and enjoyable life in. Now, let me put aside writing for a while; I am on the verge of shedding tears. How I miss Peking!

解析     译文使用了词语省略、词语转换等翻译技巧。该文段是一段描写都城北平的散文,字里行间流露出作者对北平的怀念之情,文风温和柔美,翻译时应尽量将其还原。文字显得比较口语,更像是对朋友娓娓道来的一番感慨的话;文中引用了诗句,是翻译的一个难点。
   4.第三句引用了“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的诗句,翻译应遵从精简意译的原则,“悠然”翻译为calmly。后半分句中“南”、“西”和“北”在翻译时增加了“the words”,因为此处是表示这几个表示方位的字,而不是仅表示方向。
   5.一个贫寒的人:如果译为a poor man不符合作者的意思,因此处理为a man with limited means。享受一点清福:翻译为live an easy and enjoyable life,没有使用任何难词并且意思到位。