US newspapers from one end of the nation to the other reacted with ______ to the
US newspapers from one end of the nation to the other reacted with ______ to the
US newspapers from one end of the nation to the other reacted with ______ to the bombing of Olympic Centennial Park in Atlanta. [br]
This is BBC news.
US newspapers from one end of the nation to the other reacted with shock and horror and anger to the bombing of the Olympic Centennial Park in Atlanta. Many substituted previously written editorials in their Sunday editions to comment on the explosion that claimed two lives and injured more than 100 people early Saturday morning. In America’s Pacific Island State of Hawaii, the Honolulu advertiser says in headline to its lead editorial Sunday, we can not let the cowards win. The most important decision in the wake of the despicable bombing in the Olympic celebration in Atlanta was the decision to go on. Terrorists and idiots who so random violence of this kind in truth have but one weapon--our fear. ff we succumb to fear, they win. If we refuse to bow, to cower, they lose and make no mistake about it. In Atlanta, those responsible for the bomb in Centennial Park have lost. More than 5, 000 kilometers away, the Boston Globe called the bombing "ghoulish" and expressed this hope: with luck and hard work, the gloulish planters, of this pipe bomb will be found. With more luck, they or the individual will turn out to be acting alone. It would be a mistake, however, to regard the bombing as a total aberration even if no links are found with hostile domestic or international organization. Bombing has become an infectious disease spreading across a widening array of enemies of civilized society.
Each event spawns the impulse somewhere to imitate, to outdo to find new techniques for erasing innocent lives. The Philadelphia Inquirer Newsoaoer grieves that each new terrorist act is changing the face of this nation. With each act of terrorism, America is becoming a different place. We Americans don’t like it. We are angry at the violent intrusion and the anxiety it creates. The nation lately has had too many reasons to grieve. To fly flags at half staff. Sunday’s New York Times called the recent events a storm surge of terror. Sadly the tactic of intimidation and even the structure of the bomb had a sharp historic edge for Atlanta. The city and the region suffered through a rash of such a bombing over three decades ago. The bomb, a shrapnel devise stuffed with nails and other sharp objects was of the type used in the south in the 1960’s. That history is recalled here not to prejudge the origin of this attack, but to make the point that these evil acts come in waves. Under concentrated presidential leadership, Washington needs to be asking what next and to be devising strategies for breaking the momentum of the terrorists before they erode our capacity to choose prudence over panic. A brief sampling in the editorial reaction of the US press to the bombing of the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta.
A、six, more than 100
B、two, more than 200
C、two, more than 100
D、six, more than 200
听力原文中的开头就明确谈到亚特兰大爆炸案的伤亡情况,“the explosion that claimed two lives and injured more than 100 people early Saturday morning”。因此应选择C。
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