长期以来,科学与艺术之间的关系一直是剃头担子一头热:科学热恋着艺术,艺术却拒科学于千里之外。 许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术,且懂艺术,从中汲取养料,

游客2023-12-13  29

问题     长期以来,科学与艺术之间的关系一直是剃头担子一头热:科学热恋着艺术,艺术却拒科学于千里之外。


答案     Many great scientists love and cherish and appreciate art fondly, from which they derive rich nourishment so as to cultivate their noble spirit/loftiness/moral force or get the greatest comfort from life. Conversely/On the contrary, a literary artist who loves natural science and understands engineering technology is regarded as a rarity of rarities.
    One of the reasons why artists stand in awe/ are filled with awe before natural science and keep respectfully aloof from it lies in a lot of abstruse mathematical formulas in natural science. To be frank, if we leave aside mathematics and bypass/detour/go round/ round the abundant formulas, we can still understand and appreciate the basic principles/essence of a discipline (of natural science). This is the similar case when we are able to give a passionate response to its main melody and greatly admire the music although we are ignorant of/read nothing of the score of Mozart’s musical pieces.
