All the way down, the boys had been finding the old things instead of the ne

游客2023-12-12  20

问题     All the way down, the boys had been finding the old things instead of the new—or, to their way of thinking, the new things instead of the old. The thatched roofs they had so counted upon seeing were few and far between. But American binders, of well-known makes, stood where the fields were beginning to ripen, —and they were being oiled and put in order, not by "peasants," but by wise-looking old farmers who seemed to know their business. Pear trees trained like vines against the wall, did not astonish them half so much as the sight of the familiar cottonwood (三叶杨), growing everywhere. Claude thought he had never before realized how beautiful this tree could be. In verdant little valleys, along the clear rivers, the cottonwoods waved and rustled; and on the little islands, of which there were so many in these rivers, they stood in pointed masses, seemed to grip deep into the soil and to rest easy, as if they had been there for ever and would be there for ever more.


答案     男孩子们一路上都在发现熟悉的东西,而不是在发现新奇的事物——或照他们的思路说,他们发现的是新奇的事物,而不是熟悉的东西。他们极想看见的茅草屋顶寥寥无几且相距很远。但在即将开割的地头,到处都停有美国著名厂家生产的割捆机,而且正在为机器加油并进行调试的不是“愚笨的农夫”,而是些显得聪明老练、看上去很懂行的新式农民。被弄得像藤本植物那样附墙生长的梨树固然让他们吃惊,但更令他们惊讶的是看见到处都生长着他们所熟悉的三角叶杨。克劳德觉得他以前从没意识到三角叶杨居然会这么漂亮。在翠绿的小山谷里,沿着清澈的河流,三角叶杨迎风摇曳,飒飒作响;而在河中星罗棋布的小岛上,它们则呈塔形一团团巍然屹立,看上去根深蒂固,悠然自得,仿佛它们从来就生长在那里,而且将在那里永远生长下去。
