Early on the following morning he reached Portsmouth; and having dispatched

游客2023-12-12  33

问题     Early on the following morning he reached Portsmouth; and having dispatched his business on shore, endeavored to elude the populace by taking a by-way to the beach; but a crowd collected in his train, pressing forward, to obtain a sight of his face; many were in tears, and many knelt down before him, and blessed him as he passed. England has had many heroes; but never one who entirely possessed the love of his fellow-countrymen as Nelson. All men knew that his heart was as humane as it was fearless; that there was not in his nature the slightest alloy of selfishness or cupidity; but that, with perfect and entire devotion, he served his country with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his strength; and, therefore, they loved him as truly as and fervently as he loved England. They pressed upon the parapet, to gaze after him when his barge pushed off, and he was returning their cheers by waving his hat. The sentinels, who endeavored to prevent them from trespassing upon this ground, were wedged among the crowd; and an officer, who, not very prudently upon such an occasion, ordered them to drive the people down their bayonets, was compelled speedily to retreat; for the people would not be debarred from gazing, till the last moment, upon the hero—the darling hero of England!


答案     第二天一大早他就赶到了朴次茅斯。处理完岸上的事务之后他便抄小道前往海边,以避开当地的群众。可是,他身后聚集了一大群人,他们前拥后挤,只为能亲眼一睹他的尊容:很多人都热泪盈眶,许多人甚至在他走过的时候跪了下来,为他祈福。英格兰有过很多英雄,但没有一个像纳尔逊那样深受全国人民的爱戴。人们都知道,他心地仁慈、无所畏惧、大公无私。他全心全意、竭尽全力地效忠自己的国家,因此,人们亦如他热爱英格兰那般,真心诚意地爱着他。当他的舰艇驶出港口时,岸边的栏杆旁挤满了目送他远去的人群,他们高声呼喊,而他也挥动着帽子向人们告别。

解析 1.第一句话句子较长,应根据汉语表达习惯断句。原句中有两处分号,翻译时在分号处断句即可。Portsmouth这里指的是“英格兰南部的港口城市朴次茅斯”。populace意为“平民”,这里可译为“当地群众”。train在句中指的是“长长的队伍人群”。
2.第二句中的entirely possessed the love of his fellow-countrymen指的是“深受全国人民的爱戴”,翻泽时应当注意被动语态的转换。
3.第三句话句式复杂,而且句子较长,翻泽时可以在第二个分号处断句。这句话用词较为华丽并且对仗工整,因此翻译时应当注意汉语选词,可以考虑大量使用四字格成语。“…that them was not in his nature the slightest alloy of selfishness or cupidity…”一句中,alloy本义为“合金”,这里指的是纳尔逊天性中不掺杂任何自私或贪欲,因此此处可译为“大公无私”。