
游客2023-12-09  19

问题     送儿女来上学的以父亲居多,有些是父母同来,父母们本来千差万别的脸,个人化特征在此时得到淡化而呈现出相同的气质:劳碌、疲惫,初到异地的怯懦,和谨慎,以及其情甚殷,唯恐儿女吃亏的心态。


答案     In most cases it is male parents who perform this duty of escorting their children to college on the first day. With some families, both parents come. The highly individualized faces which normally should be different from any other faces in a thousand and one ways on this occasion typically lose their uniqueness; all faces display the same expressions: fatigue, exhaustion, the timidity and cautiousness of a new comer, and concern and fear that their children might be treated unfairly.
    What long and exhausting journeys! So many confusing and time-consuming procedures! They wear out people’s elan. All the gleefulness and conceit usually exhibit in "those eighteen-year-old youngsters who’ve just made it" disappear altogether. Following closely on the heels of their parents, they shuffle from place to place on the campus. The completion of each formality requires running hither and thither and asking this person and that, with their parents having to put on humble smiling faces all the time.

解析 1、本段描述一种带有普遍性的社会现象,故宜采用一般现在时为总体时态。
2、第2句前两个分句可译为感叹句表示强调。“繁琐耗人”其实指复杂耗时,根据下文的意思,可将其译为confusing and time—consuming,突出当事人的感受与难堪。“锐气”可用法语单词elan翻译,保留原文侃侃而谈,略带风雅的文体特点,也可用high spirit代替。“磨蚀”可译成corrode,也可译成wear out,两种译法均贴近原文的意思,同时保留其形象化特征,不过前者的重心在“蚀”,后者的重心在“磨”。
4、“走很多路,问很多人”可译成running hither and thither and asking this personand that;“陪着笑脸”意为勉强装出的谦恭的笑容,故可译成put on humble smilingfaces all the time。