
游客2023-12-08  25

问题     清晨的街道俨然成为自行车的“洪流”,上班去的人们都穿上了五颜六色的夏服。8月盛夏,最高气温可达到三十七八度,不少姑娘穿起露肩、低胸、无袖的上衣,有的小伙子把背心捋上肚皮。在还用不起空调的普通人家,人们特别关注电视台的天气预报和日历,不时地埋怨着:“这天真太热啦!”在惊呼、叹息中,盛夏似乎走得太慢了。


答案     The early-morning streets become rivers of cyclists clad in bright summer garments pedaling off to work. In the heat of August, when the temperature can climb as high as 38℃, many a girl put on low-cut sleeveless dresses and some young men roll up their T-shirts to expose their chests. With air-conditioning still being too luxurious in average families, everyone suddenly develops a passionate interest in TV weather forecasts and the calendar, while the hot summer days seem to crawl especially slowly away amidst a chorus of sleepy complaints, exclamations and sighs about the scorching heat.

解析 1、本段为写实性描写,故采用一般现在时为总体时态。原文清新明快,翻译时应尽量保持其风格。
2、本段的中心内容是人们在炎热夏天的感受,故翻译第1句时应以“骑自行车、身着五颜六色的夏服去上班的‘人’”为主要描写对象,将两个分句合二为一,译成rivers ofcyclists clad in bright summer garments pedaling off to work。
3、第2句的“达到”可译为climb,形象生动;“不少姑娘”可译成many girls或many agirl,表达出普遍性,“有的小伙子”则应译成some young men,与“不少姑娘”形成对比;“低胸”为low-cut;“露肩”、“无袖”意思相仿,即为sleeveless;“捋上肚皮”意指把背心卷起来露出肚皮,故译为roll up…to expose their chests。