我不敢说生命是什么,我只能说生命像什么。 生命像向东流的一江春水,他从最高处发源,冰雪是他的前身。他聚集起许多细流,合成一股有力的洪涛,向下奔注

游客2023-12-03  25

问题     我不敢说生命是什么,我只能说生命像什么。


答案     Life is just like a river of spring water running to the east. He originates from the peak, the ice being his predecessor. He gathers many brooks into a powerful torrent pouring downward: he binds through precipitous cliffs, pushing away layers of sand and soil: he flows merrily and bravely, carrying rolling sand and stones. Along the way he enjoys everything he encounters: sometimes when he meets the rock blocking the way, he angrily surges forward, roaring and swirling, pushing and pressing up and down. Until he finally sweeps down the cliff and passes through, he becomes contented and runs down vigorously to a far distance.

解析     本部分材料节选自冰心的散文《谈生命》。这是一篇颇富哲理意蕴的抒情散文,作者把生命比作河流,经历颇为丰富。画线部分总共只有两句话。翻译时首先要确定如何断句,注意根据英语习惯进行整合表达,并要注意前后文的衔接和连贯。
1.画线部分第一句有三个短句,最好断为两句。“他从最高处发源,冰雪是他的前身”可独译为一句,且把后半句用独立主格结构译出:the ice being his predecessor。其中“发源”和“前身”可以分别译为originates from和predecessor。
2.画线部分第二句极长,一定要合理断句。“他聚集起许多细流,……快乐勇敢地流走”都是对奔涌的河流的描写,翻译时这几个短句可以译为一整句,中间用分号隔开,某些动词短语可以用现在分词短语结构译出。“有时候他遇到巉岩前阻,他愤激地奔腾了起来”中的“遇到巉岩前阻”是时间状语,可用增译法,增加连词when,译为时间状语从句when he meets the rock blocking the way。其中“前波后浪地起伏催逼”可译为pushing and pressing up and down,不一定按照字面把wave翻译出来。“心平气和”在此处的意思是“安心,满意”,翻译时可以用becomes contented表达。