
游客2023-11-26  32

问题     九月新生进校,我又看见许多父母的脸。送儿女来上学的以父亲居多,有些是父母同来,父母们本来千差万别的脸,个人化特征在此时得到淡化而呈现出相同的气质;劳碌、疲惫,初到异地的怯懦,和谨慎,以及惟恐儿女吃亏的心态。那样长而累人的旅途,那样繁琐耗人的手续,太能磨蚀人的锐气了。18岁的孩子跟在父母身后,满校园地跑,每办一项手续都得走很多路,问很多人,父母到处陪着笑脸。


答案 It’s mostly the male parents who take their children to college. Sometimes both parents come. The highly personalized faces which usually differ in a thousand and one ways fade at this moment into each other, and display the same look: fatigue, exhaustion, the timidness and cautiousness of a new comer, and fear that their offspring might be treated unfairly.
Such long and exhausting journeys over here! So many complicated and time-consuming procedures! They corrode people’s elan.
Close on the heels of their parents, eighteen-year-old youngsters shuffle from place to place in campus. To go through one formality, they have to walk long distances and ask many questions of many people, and their parents have to smile politely all the time.

解析     本文刊登在《扬子晚报》副刊,作者是麦琪。作者以独特的描写视角和表达方式,为读者描绘了一篇新生报到的全景画。文章也有催人泪落之效。本文文学味浓,描述性强,难度较大。选段部分为作者常年观察所得,具有普遍性,翻译时宜用一般现在时。