
游客2023-11-26  20

问题     朋友A君,四十余岁,自认为是引导新潮流的电影理论家。实际上成“家”还差那么一丁点。最近著系列小文,专论电影艺术的“物质还原性”。举凡“物质还原性”与吾国电影艺术发展十大关系。因其系列而引起电影理论界注意。何谓电影艺术的“物质还原性”,则未加阐明。更显“十大关系”如云山雾罩,高深莫测。


答案    Mr. A drew much attention among the film theory circle as a result of his serial essays. But what was this "reduction of matter"? No explanation was provided. And thus "the ten relationships" remained as the cloud-covered mountain peak obscured by fog — too mysterious to grasp.
   Then, a number of young film enthusiasts, interested in theory and sensitive to the new trends, began to use "reduction of matter" in their conversations and writings. Although they had no idea what it meant — with assumed comprehension, they set forth to enlighten others. His colleagues who couldn’t follow the new theory were ashamed of their ignorance, and too embarrassed to ask any questions. So at all the various conferences and meetings, each took the liberty of quoting and developing interpretations, thereby misleading even more people. Well, what is it to be perplexed, after all? It means you don’t understand — it’s certainly no credit. And so everyone did his best to keep from displaying his perplexity.

解析 这段文字节选自梁晓声的一篇讽刺小说《中国话》。其锋芒指向这样一种人,他们喜欢玩弄时髦语汇,在理论上故弄玄虚,实际上连自己也不知道在说些什么。讽刺也称反语,是一种修辞格。翻译时,依据原文选择语义结构相适应的英语词语和句式,可以较好地再现原文的修辞手法及语气。
1. 电影理论界:可译成“the film theory circle”。circle:a number of persons bound together by having the same or similar interests(同道或同好的集团;……界;圈子)。例如,theatrical circle(戏剧界)/business circle(工商界)。
2. 如云山雾罩,高深莫测:原文使用了明喻的手法,形象地表现了“十大关系”的高深莫测。译文可以保留这个修辞方法,因为译语读者可以接受。可译为“the cloud-covered mountain peak obscured by fog—too mysterious to grasp”。
3. 诸多热心电影理论又对追随新流派十分敏感之青年:可译为“a number of young film enthusiasts.interested in theory and sensitive to the new trends”。将原文的“青年”译成“young film enthusiasts”,增加讽刺色彩,另将“青年”的两个修饰语译成两个定语短语插入其后,这样保持了原文的韵味,且句子结构平衡、稳定。
4. 虽不甚了了,却以其似乎昭昭,力图亦使人昭昭:可译为“No matter that they had no idea what it meant- -with assumed comprehension,they set forth to enlighten others”。用介词短语“with assumed comprehension”表示“以其似乎昭昭”,一是意思与原文相符,二是用词少,接近原文的行文速度和节奏。
5. 才学浅薄,孤陋寡闻:原文使用两个意思相近的词,“才学浅薄”和“孤陋寡闻”,无非是讽刺“物质还原性”理论。译文中可以只表达意思(ignorance),而不必重复。
6. 信口引用,加以发挥:可译为“took the liberty of quoting and developing interpretations”。这种译法符合原意,即随便引用,然后不着边际地加以解释。
7. 昏昏者,不懂也:原文是陈述句的形式。可译成“Well,what is it be perplexed,after all?It means you don’t understand”。以well开头提问,然后再作答,可以增强讽刺语气。perplexed和下一句里的perplexity相呼应,取得连贯效果。
8. 不光彩:“光彩”表示“光荣”。credit:honor,approval,good name or reputation(光荣;荣誉;赞许;好名声;名誉)。例如,a man of the highest credit(极有名望的人)。这里可译作“no credit”。