[originaltext]T: Hi, Hannah. I was wondering when I’d bump into you. You know w
[originaltext]T: Hi, Hannah. I was wondering when I’d bump into you. You know w
T: Hi, Hannah. I was wondering when I’d bump into you. You know we only have another two weeks to complete that essay on modern technology for Dr. Owen.
H: I know, Terry. But don’t worry because I’ve been doing some research and I’ve got some great ideas.
T: Such as?
H: Well, it’s my guess that most people will write about computers, because that’s what everyone thinks about when they hear the word technology.
T: But that’s what technology is, isn’t it?
H: Yes, of course it is. But it’s many other things besides.
T: What, like mobile phones, that sort of thing?
H: Yes, but what about farming technology? It’s as much a part of people’s lives as computers or mobile phones.
T: What do you mean?
H: Just imagine, for a moment, if farmers couldn’t grow enough food to feed everyone. Then economics would mean nothing because no one would be able to work. Or even willing to go to work for that matter.
T: Yes, I see your point. Like those countries in Africa where people are starving.
H: Yes, indeed. Therefore, I suggest we write our essay on the development and impact of farming technology.
T: The development and impact of farming technology. Hmmm. That sounds impressive. Yet fanning only began about 5, 000 years ago, didn’t it?
H: Actually, it’s believed that plants were first domesticated about 10, 000 years ago, although a primitive type of plough and other basic tools were not invented for another 2, 000 years. But their invention made it possible to grow much more food and feed a much bigger population.
T: I see. And that would mean more people could spend time doing other things, such as building houses and developing other kinds of tools.
H: Exactly.
1. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
2. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
3. What does "technology" refer to in Hannah’s view?
4. Why did the two speakers finally choose "fanning technology" as their research topic?
5. According to Hannah, when did farming technology first take place?
A、They are colleagues.
B、They are classmates.
C、They are lovers.
D、They are family members.
A.麦冬 B.瓜蒌 C.海藻 D.半夏 E.桔梗治疗寒痰湿痰,应选用的药
有支气管哮喘及机械性肠梗阻的患者应禁用A、山莨菪碱 B、新斯的明 C、东莨菪
下列不符合处方书写规则的是A:处方用字的字迹应当清楚,不得涂改 B:医师、药师
(2018年真题)《中国药典》规定满山红含量测定的指标成分是( )A.七叶苷
涎腺多形性腺瘤A.鳞状化生 B.角化珠 C.胶样小体 D.角质栓塞 E.
小儿重症肺炎最常见的酸碱平衡紊乱是A.呼吸性酸中毒 B.代谢性酸中毒 C.呼
不属于预防医学的道德要求的是( )。A.爱岗敬业,宣传大卫生法规,言传身教