
游客2023-11-26  16

问题    人们都说只有雄鹰和蜗牛能够到达金字塔的顶端。雄鹰因其与生俱来的天赋可以毫不费力地飞抵金字塔的顶端。蜗牛没有雄鹰的天赋,但它却一直坚持不懈地朝着自己的方向和目标,一步一步地向上爬行。虽然路途遥远且身负重担,也许还曾一次次地从金字塔的砖壁上掉下来,可它始终都没有放弃对顶端的追求。当蜗牛爬到金字塔顶端时,它所看到的景色将会与雄鹰一样,那样地美丽与壮阔。因此,想要实现目标,最可靠的方法就是努力拼搏。光有美好的目标和愿望,而不去踏踏实实地做,成功的愿望只能是水中月、镜中花,可望而不可及。


答案    The snail is not as gifted as the eagle. However, he has been always keeping his direction, sticking to his goals constantly and crawling inch by inch. Despite the fact that he has to cover a long distance with burdens pressing heavily on him and that he has fallen off from the brick walls of the pyramid again and again, he has never deserted his pursuit of reaching the top. The moment the snail reaches the top of the pyramid, the view he will enjoy is the same as what the eagle enjoys, so beautiful and grand. Therefore, the surest way to accomplish our goals is to struggle hard. With only nice goals and wishes but no down-to-earth action, our desire for success can only be like the moon in the water and flowers in the mirror, which is within sight but beyond reach.

解析    本段材料属于论说文,富有哲理性。作者通过对蜗牛的行为的详细描述,揭示了拼搏的重要意义。选段文字通俗易懂,句式简单,总体来说翻译难度不大。
1.画线部分第一句中,“蜗牛没有雄鹰的天赋”即蜗牛不像雄鹰一样有天赋,可用“not so/as…as…”的结构翻译;“朝着自己的方向”译为keep his direction;“朝着……目标”即坚守自己的目标,常译为stick to one’s goals;“一步一步地”常译为step by step,但根据常识可知,蜗牛不是真正的一步一步地爬,而是一点一点地挪动,故用inch by inch更形象具体。
2.画线部分第二句中,“虽然”后面包含两个让步条件,所以用“despite the fact that…and that…”结构;“路途遥远”即蜗牛需要“爬”很远的路,故用动词cover;“身负重担”即负担沉重地压在蜗牛身上,而且“身负重担”是遥远的爬行路途中一直伴随的状态,故可译为伴随状语;“放弃”除了译为参考译文中的desert外,还可译为give up或abandon等。
3.画线部分第三句中,“当……时”可以用when引导的时间状语从句译出,参考译文使用了名词短语the moment引出时间状语从句,表达蜗牛爬到金字塔顶端时看到与雄鹰眼中一样的景色,时间衔接更为紧密;“它所看到的景色”可以用定语从句来表示,即the view(which/that)he will enjoy。
4.画线部分第四句中,“想要实现目标”是目的状语,故用to引出;“最可靠的方法”译为the surest way。
5.画线部分第五句中,“光有美好的目标和愿望”可以翻译为with引出的介词短语;为了能与上文中的“光有美好的目标和愿望”并列作介词with的宾语,此处的“而不去踏踏实实地做”可意译为“没有脚踏实地的行动”,即but no down-to-earth action;本句的翻译难点在于“水中月、镜中花”,既可以像参考译文那样直译,还可以意译为“不切实际的”,即impractical。