Why does Carl meet the woman? [br] [originaltext]W: Hello Carl. So ... I hear y

游客2023-10-17  15

问题 Why does Carl meet the woman? [br]  
W: Hello Carl. So ... I hear you can help me nail this upcoming interview.
M: Our company specializes in media matters. We can help you learn how to put your best foot forward, what pitfalls to avoid and how to sound friendly without sounding insincere.
W: Those would be good points...okay, let’s hear what you got.
W: Sam, sometimes we’ve got to accept that we just can’t cut the mustard.
M: What! ? Can’t cut the mustard?! I know how to do it. You must use a knife ...
W: Calm down, this has nothing to do with your cooking skills. In English, when you say someone or something ’ can’t cut the mustard’ , you mean that it is not good enough.

选项 A、She doesn’t have a knife so they can’t have mustard.
B、She doesn’t know how to cook mustard without a recipe.
C、They have to face the imperfect reality at the moment.
D、The man needs to calm down or he may get hurt by a knife.

答案 C

解析 录音中女士首先提到有时不得不接受“can’t cut the mustard”的事实,随后男士开始告知她该如何切芥菜,但女士打断他说这与厨艺无关,英语中该短语指“it is not good e—nough”,也就是说有时需要接受不完美的现实,因此答案选C。