We know that when it comes to looking for a new job or starting your career,

游客2023-09-29  8

问题     We know that when it comes to looking for a new job or starting your career, writing a resume can be a pretty hard task. That’s why we decided to create ResumeCoach: the convenient, helpful, easy-to-use online resume builder (简历生成器).
    ResumeCoach aims to help our users design their effective resume, with specific (特定的) models and practical tips for your dream job.
    With our easy-to-use resume builder, you don’t have to be a career building expert. Please follow this three quick steps to make the perfect (完美的) resume.
    . Choose your model. Choose from 1 to over 20 well-designed resume models.
    . Enter your information. Fill in the blanks with your career information. We’ll give you help.
    . Download your resume. Download your file as a PDF or as a text file.
    Building a resume is easier with us. We have taken all the difficulties out of building a beautiful resume to help you stand out the crowd. And with our tools, you will spend less time preparing a resume for each job you apply for.
    ResumeCoach ResumeCoach: the convenient, helpful and【B1】________online resume builder Aim: to help users【B2】________their effective resume
    1) choose from 1 to over【B3】________well-designed models
    2) fill in the blanks with your【B4】________
    3) download your resume file
    1) to help you【B5】________the crowd
    2) spending less time preparing a resume [br] 【B2】


答案 design

解析 本题考查ResumeCoach的目标。文章第二段提到ResumeCoach旨在为用户设计有效的简历。通过对比题干和原文可知,空格处应填入design。