According to the passage, hyperinflation is characterized by ______. [br] Which

游客2023-09-27  15

问题 According to the passage, hyperinflation is characterized by ______. [br] Which of the following is NOT among the factors which combine to create hyperinflation?

选项 A、Demand is much greater than supply.
B、The country continuously supplies money.
C、The government is able to collect taxes by the existing processes.
D、The government is powerless in collecting taxes.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。本题询问下面哪一项不是造成极性通货膨胀的因素。根据文章第二段最后一句可知造成极度通货膨胀的一个因素是政府征税程序遭到破坏,由此可以推断出政府无法通过原有的程序征税,所以选项C (政府能够通过现行的程序征税)说法不符合文意,故此题正确答案为选项C。