亲爱的张先生: 我外出几天之后于今天上午回到办公室,见到你们为庆祝“十.一”发出的邀请,为此我向您表示感谢。 我本能够接受邀请,但不巧我同几个外国朋

游客2023-09-23  11

问题 亲爱的张先生:


答案 Dear Mr. Zhang,
   On my return to the office this morning after being away for a few days, I found your kind invitation of the 1st October awaiting me, for which I thank you.
   I should like to have been in a position to accept your invitation for the 1st October, hut unfortunately due to a prior engagement with some overseas friends, who are arriving on this date, it will not be possible to do so.
   I hope you will excuse me on this occasion and sincerely trust an opportunity will present itself to meet you at a late date and make the personal acquaintance of yourself and your colleagues.
                                                          Yours sincerely,
