1. 推荐人:Nancy Johnson先生被推荐人:Fred Tyler先生 从2004年8月至2008年3月曾任某商学院的院长; 具有很强的个

游客2023-09-26  13

问题 1. 推荐人:Nancy Johnson先生
被推荐人:Fred Tyler先生
要  求:请你写一封推荐信。
内  容:(1)介绍被推荐人的业务能力;


答案 May 18, 2008
To whom it may concern,
   I take pleasure in recommending Mr. Fred Tyler, who has been employed by this college as Head of Business Studies from August 2004 to March 2008.
   He is a highly competent teacher whose class preparation is always thorough. He is skilled in teaching in class, course planning and class preparation. Besides, Fred possesses an outgoing personality who always distinguishes himself from others with his diligence, reliability, keen sense of responsibility and also cheerful character.
   Given his dedication and ability, I am confident that Fred will prove to be a valuable asset to any organization. It is with pleasure that I recommend him highly and without hesitation.
                                                                         Yours ’cordially,
                                                                         Nancy Johnson

解析 推荐信常用套语:
1.I’m pleased to introduce Mrs.Wang to you.
2.I have pleasure in introducing the bearer of this letter,Mr.John Green.
4.It gives us great pleasure to introduce to you by this letter Mr.Hu.
5.She is a linguistic student at or university.
6.It’s his wish that he could do some research work under your direction.
7.Any assistance rendered him would be highly appreciated.
8.I would greatly appreciate it if you would kindly assist Mr.Li in gaining an opportunity for further studies.
9.We would consider it a great favor if you would give him your advice and experience.
10.Your favorable consideration of his application of for...would be most appreciated.