By saying "the woman said she found my face a challenge"(Para 1), the author sug

游客2023-09-17  9

问题 By saying "the woman said she found my face a challenge"(Para 1), the author suggests that her face is ______. [br] Because of the Ascot woman’s ______, the stick had to be pulled out from the ground.


答案 heavy weight/plumpness/fatness

解析 根据关键词Ascot woman,pun和ground可定位于第2段倒数第3句。事实细节题。题目中because of引导的原因短语相当于原文中because引导的原因状语从句部分,由于because of后需接名词性成分,且形容词性所有格the Ascot woman’s属于定语成分,这也表明其后需修饰的成分为名词,故可得知答案应为she Was so plump的名词性同义转换,即heavy weight,plumpness或fatness。