Which one of the following is. NOT true? [br] It can be concluded from the passa

游客2023-09-16  14

问题 Which one of the following is. NOT true? [br] It can be concluded from the passage that ______.

选项 A、Standard English is taught in school and colleges
B、the young people are defiant because they refuse to speak standard English
C、English language is influenced by American English in the last 25 years
D、there has been a great change in the English language in this century

答案 D

解析 综合理解题。A(学校里教的是标准英语),标准英语即BBC英语,显然学校不可能都在教BBC英语。B(年轻人拒讲标准英语因为他们是叛逆的)年轻人的反叛主要是不想在讲话时显出阶级差别,事实上二战后很多人都这样,不仅是年轻人,因此不能据此一点就说明年青人是反叛的。因为语言的影响是一个长期的过程,而不可能说在特定一段时间影响,故c也不对。D正好说明了全文的主旨,即第一段的那句话。