By using a check card, a consumer receives credit as well as a monthly bill when

游客2023-09-15  12

问题 By using a check card, a consumer receives credit as well as a monthly bill when a buying is done. [br] Without the host processor, a cardholder cannot withdraw money from an ATM.


答案 Y

解析 由题干中cardholder可定位到第二个小标题下第一段第三句The host processor is...become available to the cardholder(the person wanting the cash).复杂句处设题。本题考查ATM机的:正作方式。原句首先将the host processor比作为ISP,在后面的in that原因状语从句中进一步解释:只有通过the host processor,各种ATM网络才能起作用,并与持卡人(需要现金的人)联接。由此可判断,没有the host processor,持卡人便无法从ATM机中取出现金。因此题干说法与原文意思相符。