Which one will help people to recognize their own key requirements during huntin

游客2023-09-14  16

问题 Which one will help people to recognize their own key requirements during hunting a job? [br] Nowadays employers often ask questions designed to ______ .

选项 A、find the interviewees’ shortcomings
B、find the solutions of the company’s problems
C、make the interviewees realize they need to learn more
D、discover more about interviewee and the way the interviewee react to different situations

答案 D

解析 由题干中的employers和questions定位到第九个小标题下第一句Nowadays employers often ask questions designed to discover more about you as a person and the way you react to different situations.细节辨认题。题干问如今招聘方经常会设计一些问题来干什么。根据线索词定位可以直接在本句中找到答案:这些问题会更多地展现出应聘者的个性及对不同情况的反应,与D)的叙述一致。