Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on

游客2023-09-11  20

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Knowledge and Master’s Degree? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 目前,社会上读硕士学位班的人很多
2. 你对此现象的看法
3. 总结全文


答案                                   Knowledge and Master’s Degree
    There is a growing tendency these years for people to pursue a master’s degree. They claim that a master’s degree stands for more knowledge and that most companies are inclined to employ people with a master’s degree. It seems to promise a bright future. However, I find it hard to agree with it. The following are the reasons for my personal inclination.
    For one thing, a master’s degree does not necessarily equal to profound knowledge. Knowledge comes from hard work or even devotion to a certain field. Time well-spent on campus will lead to a harvest in knowledge, but what if the degree-pursuer is by no means a knowledge pursuer? For another, talented people without a master’s or even a bachelor’s degree can gain tremendous success in the society. Bill Gates is a case in point and this is also the reason why some blue collars with expertise win the favor of a lot of multi-national companies.
    To conclude, knowledge is a person’s most precious riches, and people are judged more by their knowledge rather than by their degree.

解析 本文第一段以There is a growing tendency these years开头指出现象,用They claim that... and that... 稍加叙述,简洁明了;然后用However, I find it hard to agree with it. The following are the reasons for my personal inclination.提出自己的观点,过渡到第二段。第二段通过举例法等For one thing... but... For another... a case in point... 详细论证了自己的观点。最后结尾段用To conclude, ...表达了自己的观点,总结全文。