Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay ent

游客2023-09-11  14

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Economic Development and Moral Decline. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
1. 近年来我国经济建设取得了很大成就。
2. 但与此同时,社会风气随着经济的发展也日益下降。
3. 我的观点……


答案                     Economic Development and Moral Decline
    These years, the economy in China is advancing by leaps and bounds. With the national economic changes, the Chinese people are greatly improving their life, with more earnings. But they want more, and perhaps this is human nature. They believe in misconception that money talks. Money worship, therefore, is sweeping across the whole country. And many immoral social phenomena have emerged. One of them is moral decline.
    Leaving the theft and robbery aside, corrupt conducts are getting more rampant and bribe-taking is not uncommon in the country, which many consider it as access to promotion, privilege and wealth. For instance, businessmen seem to like offering bribes to VIPs. A subordinate tends to flatter a superior in more than one way.  There is more dishonesty than before in society. Manufacturers produce fake or even harmful products, and some manufactures’ goods are dishonestly advertise& For some individuals, especially young people, are currently confused about their life. To seek fun, more guys take drags, among many other unlawful practices. In a word, the overall national moral seemingly declines.
    Confronted with the negative phenomenon, I don’t think that we should discard all the wealth and go back to the past "poor days". And the Chinese would give the answer "No". The wheel of history can’t be stopped But if we think that moral decline is the side-effect of the national economic development, we can certainly lay down some laws to stop moral degeneration.
