For well over a century, one street in New York City has been known for the

游客2023-09-10  10

问题     For well over a century, one street in New York City
has been known for the heart of the American theater. The      【S1】______
name of the street is Broadway. Mention that name to
anyone has ever visited New York, and be will remember         【S2】______
bright lights, eager crowds, and electric air of excitement.   【S3】______
    Over the years, Broadway has known successful and          【S4】______
failure, praise and scorn. In recent time it has faced
special problems, both in artistic and financial. Yet,         【S5】______
in spite all its imperfections, Broadway remains the center    【S6】______
of the theatrical activity in the United States. The goal of
young performers in the U.S. is still to act in a Broadway
    On Broadway, a play must be popular to attract             【S7】______
audiences over a long period of .time. A long run is
essential because Broadway theaters are given financial        【S8】______
support by the government, as are leading theaters in most
other countries. Instead, funds are raised to individual       【S9】______
productions and must be repaid to the investors, if at all
possible. The producers need to find plays which will
please audiences. Often the result is a play with little
artistic price.                                                【S10】______ [br] 【S3】


答案 在electric前加an

解析 air一词作“空气”讲时是不可数名词,前面不能加不定冠词;而air作“气氛,样子”讲时是可数名词,应有冠词。文中的air指的正是“气氛”,an electric air of excitement指“热烈激动的气氛”,故应在electric前加an。