[originaltext]M: I’m going out to pick up a hamburger. Can I get you something?

游客2023-08-29  20

M: I’m going out to pick up a hamburger. Can I get you something?
W: Oh, I have eaten too much at lunch. The yogurt I brought with me will be enough. But thank you all the same.
Q: What will the woman probably do?
W: What do you think of the government’s new tax-cut proposal?
M: Though it may give some benefit to the poor, its key component is the elimination of tax on dividends. That means the rich may get richer.
Q: What does the man think of the government’s tax-cut proposal?

选项 A、It will reduce government revenues.
B、The wealthy will benefit a lot from the proposal.
C、It will stimulate the economy.
D、It will be a great help to the poor.

答案 B

解析 女士问男士对政府新的减税方案有何看法。男士的评价是:该方案能给穷人带来一些好处,但是它会让富人变得更富有。此题的关键信息是the rich may get richer。B选项中的the wealthy 等同于the rich,因此B是正确答案。