[originaltext]M: Hello, here. You’re late. Let’s try finding a place in the din

游客2023-08-26  13

M: Hello, here. You’re late. Let’s try finding a place in the dining room.
W: Sorry,[1]but, well, a few of us were selected to stay after Professor Keene’s lecture to take a self-assessment quiz. His talk this morning was about pessimism and optimism, and he asked us to complete the survey.
M: Well, what did you learn? Is there really such a thing as bad or good luck?
W: Yes, in a sense.[2]For example, pessimists tend to unconsciously set life goals for themselves which will be extremely difficult to achieve. So, in a way, they invite failure. An optimist is usually more realistic about this.
M: Did Professor Keene mention why a pessimist might have such a dismal outlook on the world?
W: There are a couple of reasons. First, environment has a lot to do with it; experiencing repeated failure in the formative years will likely produce a pessimist. But what interested me most was the relationship a pessimist has with his or her conscience.
M: You mean that little voice inside that tells me what’s what?
W: Yep.[3]Optimists look at conscience as a source of strength and guidance, and act on its promptings. Pessimists, on the other hand, usually reject the demands of conscience and see it as an alien, even an evil threat,
M: Interesting. So, how did you do in the self-assessment survey?
W: Oh, those things never turn out right for me anyway! You just can’t trust them. It looks like rain, doesn’t it?
M: Maybe you are right.
1. Why did the woman arrive late?
2. Why does the woman say pessimists invite failure to some extent?
3. What can be inferred from the conversation?

选项 A、She was held up in the traffic.
B、She was asked to fill out a survey after class.
C、She had to attend Prof. Keene’s lecture first.
D、She was asked to correct quizzes for Professor Keene.

答案 B

解析 细节题。本题的设题点在对话的开头处和转折处。女士为赴约迟到表示报歉,接着解释迟到的原因:听完讲座后,她被留下来,做了一份自我评估测试(self-assessment quiz),故答案为[B]。