[originaltext]W: I hope I haven’t made this chili too hot for you.M: Too hot f

游客2023-08-30  12

W: I hope I haven’t made this chili too hot for you.
M: Too hot for me? It couldn’t be. I love spicy food.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: Could you show me how to use this, John?
M: It is fully automatic. All you have to do is to focus on the scene and press the button here.
Q: What are they talking about?

选项 A、How to use a camera.
B、How to use a washer.
C、How to use a keyboard.
D、How to use a tape recorder.

答案 A

解析 语意理解题。女士说:“你能告诉我这个怎么用吗,John?”男士说:“这是全自动的。你只需对准景,按下按钮就可以了。”由此我们可以判断,他们在讨论怎样使用照相机。其他选项:B如何使用洗衣机;C如何使用键盘;D如何使用录音机。