[originaltext]W: Has my order arrived yet? I have been expecting it last week.

游客2023-08-25  32

W: Has my order arrived yet? I have been expecting it last week.
M: I called the company this morning. They had some labor problems, so your order will be shipped late. It should be here by the end of the week.
Q: What has caused the delay of the shipment?
W: Jay, what does the fax from our associates in Britain say?
M: They want to know if the economic crisis would affect our ability to carry out the deal we signed last November.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?

选项 A、The serious economic crisis in Britain.
B、A package deal to be signed in November.
C、A message from their business associates.
D、Their ability to deal with financial problems.

答案 C

解析 综合理解题。对话中.女士询问英国合伙人发来的传真内容,男士回答说合伙人想知道金融危机是否会影响去年11月份所签协议的执行。由此可见,两人谈论的话题是合伙人传真的内容。