[originaltext]M: I was surprised to hear that you’ll accept the job offer from

游客2023-08-27  14

M: I was surprised to hear that you’ll accept the job offer from the bank. Are you sure you’ 11 like working there?
W: Well. I just thought 1 would give it a try. If I don’t like it, I can quit any time.
Q: What do we know about the woman?
M: Those were such funny stories Tom told last night. He was like a totally different guy.
W: Yeah. He is normally so serious. What do you think brought all that out of him?
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、She wants to know where Tom heard the stories.
B、She’s surprised Tom was so serious last night.
C、Tom doesn’t usually tell funny stories.
D、The stories probably weren’t true.

答案 C

解析 男士说汤姆昨晚讲了很多有趣的故事,跟他平常很不一样;女士说Tom平时很严肃,言下之意是汤姆平时不常讲有趣的故事。