[originaltext]W: I know that you believe central bank should normally be indepe

游客2023-08-25  17

W: I know that you believe central bank should normally be independent from the government, rather than a government department. Why is this?
M: Well, the main reason is what we call, in economics, the political business cycle. If the central bank mainly acts as a branch of government, then this government is inclined to increase abruptly, for instance, money supply just before elections in order to favour employment, but, of course, this has a negative effect on inflation.
W: And this happens in America, in Germany?
M: Mainly in Germany. The two most independent central banks we can think of are really Switzerland and Germany.
W: Not the Fed, the Federal Reserve?
M: The Fed, yes, but the Fed is slightly less independent, in the sense that, for instance, it doesn’t have a goal of price stability as clearly stated as the German or the Swiss central banks, for instance.
W: And examples of central banks which are influenced by the government?
M: Well, there’s Britain, for instance. France is being slowly privatised — well, made independent. Italy, contrary to what most people think, is a quite independent central bank. It’s one of the most efficient public bodies, I would say.
W: But you think the independent bank is a model for the future?
M: Yes, I would argue it is. Actually I’m working presently on something that tends to show that the independence should actually be adapted to the economic conditions in the country and outside the country, but yes, generally a more independent central bank is certainly more, well, certainly more desirable than a non-independent central bank.
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
9. Why should central banks be independent from the government, according to the man?
10. Which of the following central banks is the most independent, according to the man?
11. What does the man say about the central bank of Britain?

选项 A、Swiss National Bank.
B、The Federal Reserve.
C、Bank of France.
D、Bank of Italy.

答案 A

解析 选项中量复出现的Bank表明,本题与银行有关。对话中男士提到,The two most independentcentral banks…are really Switzerland and Germany,由此可知,他认为最独立的两个中央银行就是瑞士中央银行和德国中央银行,A)为其中之一,故为答案。