[originaltext]M: I guess we’ll have a hot summer again.W: I know. Last summer

游客2023-08-25  9

M: I guess we’ll have a hot summer again.
W: I know. Last summer was mild. Do you remember our first summer here? The temperature stayed about 100 F for ten straight days. There wasn’t a breeze anywhere.
Q: What does the woman say about their first summer?
W: Did your pictures of the night view come out like what you expected?
M: Actually, I ran out of film before I could even begin. I didn’t realise I’d finished the whole roll.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man was using a digital camera.
B、The woman took very good pictures.
C、The man didn’t take any pictures of the night view.
D、The woman ran out of film before taking pictures.

答案 C

解析 对话中男士提到,l ran out of film before I could even begin(开始拍照之前胶卷就已经用完了),即男士没有拍到一张夜景照片,故答案为C)。roll在此为名词,意为“胶卷”。