[originaltext]W: Can you drop by the lab for a minute? I have some experiments

游客2023-08-25  18

W: Can you drop by the lab for a minute? I have some experiments running that I need to check on before dinner.
M: Sure, I have plenty of time. I’d be interested to see what you are working on anyway.
Q: What will the speakers probably do next?
W: How was your vacation? Did you go away?
M: Yes, we went to Maine. Unfortunately, the flies and mosquitoes were bad and it rained most of the time. It’s too bad because I used to enjoy going there.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、His vacation is fabulous.
B、His vacation is totally a mess.
C、He enjoys going to Maine.
D、The weather in Maine is unpredictable.

答案 B

解析 男士说假期去了缅因州,但是蚊虫又多、天气又总是下雨,太糟了,因为以前他很喜欢去那里。可见他的假期过得很不好,B正确。