[originaltext]W: I don’t want my son Tim to hang out with Bob, who drinks and o

游客2023-08-24  15

W: I don’t want my son Tim to hang out with Bob, who drinks and once stole his father’s car.
M: Well, it’s important to discuss your concerns with your son. Calmly explain why you think spending time with Bob is not in his best interests.
Q: What is the woman most probably doing?

选项 A、Blaming her son.
B、Consulting the man.
C、Complaining to Bob’s father.
D、Seeking help from her lawyer.

答案 B

解析 女士提到她的儿子Tim交友不慎,男士建议她务必和她的儿子谈一谈,要平静地告诉她的儿子,为什么交往不良朋友对他不利。由此可以推测,女士在向男士咨询。