不断壮大的中国农民工(migrant workers)群体正成为一个有实力的消费者群体。这一转变将推动中国的经济演变。2012年,蓝领劳动力(blue

游客2023-08-20  48

问题     不断壮大的中国农民工(migrant workers)群体正成为一个有实力的消费者群体。这一转变将推动中国的经济演变。2012年,蓝领劳动力(blue collar)由过剩转为短缺。这使得农民工的收入增长速度超过了其他任何重要的消费者群体。随着收入的增长,农民工群体在2012年总共消费了6770亿美元的商品和服务,相当于印尼(Indonesia)当年总消费支出的1.6倍。中国政府表示,农民工消费在促使中国GDP增长模式由过度依赖投资型转向消费拉动型方面发挥着重大作用。


答案     The ever-increasing migrant workers are becoming powerful consumers and this change will drive China’s economic evolution. In 2012, blue collars shifted from surplus to shortage, which made their incomes rise faster than any other significant consumer groups. With income increasing, they spent 677 billions on goods and services in 2012. It was equivalent to 1.5 times total consumer spending in Indonesia that year. According to the Chinese government, the consumption activities of migrant workers contribute a lot to the transformation of Chinese GDP growth mode, from over-reliance on investment towards more consumption-driven growth.
