A number of scientific studies have found that the amount of sugar we consum
A number of scientific studies have found that the amount of sugar we consum
A number of scientific studies have found that the amount of sugar we consume is a major factor in how big Americans have become. In the last half-century, consumption of sugars by the average American has increased by more than 24 pounds a year, expanding waistlines and crowding out more nutritious foods.
Furthermore, the studies indicate that the main dietary culprit(罪魁祸首)for both the increase in sugar and the weight of Americans has been the ever-growing consumption of sugary drinks, especially soda. These soft drinks contribute 7 percent of the calories Americans consume, making them the leading source of added sugar and the single largest source of calories in our diet.
Critics have repeatedly blamed high-fructose corn syrup, the inexpensive sweetener that has helped to keep soda prices down and allowed consumption to soar. But in fact, no sugary beverage and no caloric sweetener are blameless. Not ordinary table sugar; not brown sugar or raw sugar; not honey; not even fruit juice concentrate.
All these sweeteners when added to drinks contribute mostly empty calories that do little to satisfy the appetite and end up as excess energy that the body ultimately turns to fat. And soda, though the most common sugary beverage, is not the only one involved. In fact, after decades of increases, soda consumption has levelled off, but sports drinks, energy drinks and sweetened teas have become increasingly important contributors to the liquid calories Americans consume.
To improve the health of its residents and its coffers, New York State is considering a consumption tax of about one penny per ounce on high-calorie sweetened beverages.
The American Beverage Association, which takes major credit for an 88 percent reduction in sugared soda calories in the nation’ s schools, has seriously undermined its credibility with ads opposing the so-called soda tax.
In association-sponsored commercials on television and radio, housewives spout the ridiculous argument that such a tax would make it more difficult for them to feed their families.
But on no nutritionist’ s list are you likely to find soda listed as a desirable dietary ingredient. It is not a food, nor a basic necessity. In fact, the people likely to benefit most from a soda tax that discourages consumption are those who find it hardest to make ends meet. These are the people who can least afford to waste hard-earned dollars on empty calories that undermine their health. [br] What measure does New York State want to take to improve its people’ s health?
A、It is planning to impose taxes on sugary drinks with high calories.
B、It is considering limiting the amount of liquid calories Americans consume.
C、It limits the amount of sugar added to the sugary drinks.
D、It encourages the sellers to raise the price of the drinks with high calories.
细节题。A选项是对原文第五段“To improve the health of its residents andits coffers,New York State is considering a consumption tax of about one penny perounce on high-calorie sweetened beverages.”的总结,故选A。
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