
游客2023-08-08  28

问题   徐霞客是明朝著名的地理学家(geographer)、旅行家和探险家。他一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。他在考察的过程中,从来不盲目迷信书本上的结论。相反,他发现前人研究地理的记载有许多不太可信的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察,他几乎全靠双脚旅行。为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区和人烟稀少的(sparsely populated)森林进行考察发现了许多美丽的山川风景。此外,他常常选择在不同的时间和季节多次重游各地名山,反复观察变幻的奇景。


答案   Xu Xiake was a famous geographer, traveler, and explorer in the Ming Dynasty. During his lifetime, Xu Xiake traveled around and conducted surveys in 16 provinces, leaving his footsteps in virtually every part of the country. In the process of conducting his surveys, he never blindly embraced the conclusions recorded in previous documents. Instead, he discovered that the documents made by his predecessors in their geographical studies were not quite reliable in many aspects. In order to ensure that his surveys were truthful and detailed, he traveled almost entirely on foot. In order to develop a true picture of the natural world, he made a point of undertaking his expeditions in those mountain areas where it was difficult to walk on roads and in those forests that were sparsely populated. In this way he discovered many marvelous mountains and beautiful scenes. Moreover, he frequently chose different times and seasons of the year to make repeated visits to the famous mountains across the country so that he could make repeated observations of their wonderful scenery that kept changing all year round.

解析       1.第二句中的“考察”可以译为conducted surveys;“几乎”可以译为virtually,该词在此处与almost意思相近。
      2.第三句中的“盲目迷信”可以译为blindly embraced。
      3.第四句中的“有许多不太可信的地方”译为were not quite reliable in many aspects比较恰当。
      4.第六句中的“道路艰险的山区”翻译起来有点难度,可以把“道路艰险”译成一个where引导的定语从句where it was difficult to walk on roads,修饰mountain areas。
      5.最后一句中,“变幻的奇景”是指在不同的季节,景色各不相同,翻译的时候增译all year round 更能传达出原文隐含的意思。