
游客2023-08-08  42

问题   当前,中小学生普遍存在民族文化艺术鉴赏力下降的问题。为传承民族优秀文化,教育部对九年制义务教育阶段的音乐课程标准进行了修订,增加了有关京剧的教学内容,并在10个省、市、自治区各选20所中小学进行试点。开设京剧课后,教师不能仅满足于演唱技巧的教授,而且应该将曲目(repertoire)背后的故事和如何理解京剧这种传统艺术形式作为教学的主要目标。京剧走进课堂,就是要让学生了解一些基本的京剧知识,帮助他们学习欣赏京剧的韵律之美和独特魅力。


答案   At present, the primary and middle school students are showing a common decline in their ability to appreciate the art forms representing our national culture. The Ministry of Education has revised the standards of the music course of the 9-year compulsory schooling system by adding in Peking Opera, with the view of inheriting the excellent national culture. Twenty primary and middle schools have been chosen respectively as pioneers in ten provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions for trying out the pilot program. With the institution of a Peking Opera course, the teacher should not stop at just imparting skills of singing the repertoire, he/she should also tell students of the story behind the repertoire, and the way to understand Peking Opera, a traditional art form, and take these as the major objective of the teaching program. The education on Peking Opera aims at imparting to the students the rudimentary knowledge of Peking Opera, helping them learn and appreciate the beauty of the repertoire for its rhythm and unique charm.

解析       1.第一句中,“中小学生”包括中学生和小学生,因此翻译为the primary and middle school students。
      2.第二句较长,在翻译前需要弄清楚句子的成分。“为传承民族优秀文化”为目的状语,翻译成英语时既可放在句首,也可放在句末,此处翻译为介词短语with the view of inheriting the excellent national culture,放在句末。“进行试点”可译为trying out the pilot program。
      3.第三句中,动词“开设”可转译为名词institution,“演唱技巧”可意译为skills of singing the repertoire,名词“教授”可转译为动词imparting。4.末句中的“京剧走进课堂”可转译成一个名词短语The education on Peking Opera,这样更符合英语的静态性特点。