重阳节 农历九月初九,为中国传统的重阳节(the Do

游客2023-08-05  16

问题                                                 重阳节
     农历九月初九,为中国传统的重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。重阳节的起源可追溯至春秋战国时期,距今已有约2000年的历史。庆祝重阳节的活动一般包括出游赏景、爬山登高、观赏菊花(chrysanthemum)、身插茱萸(dogwood plant)、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒(white spirit)等。重阳节又称老人节,因为在汉语中“九九”与“久久”同音,有长寿的含义,所以人们常在此且举行祭祖和敬老崇孝(filial piety)的活动。重阳佳节,寓意深远,人们对它有着特殊的感情,因此历代诗词中不乏贺重阳、咏菊花的佳作。


答案     The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the traditional Double Ninth Festival in China. Its origin dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, about 2,000 years ago. The celebration of that day usually includes such activities as going out sightseeing, climbing mountains, enjoying watching chrysanthemums, wearing dogwood plants, eating double-ninth cakes, drinking white spirit made of chrysanthemum etc. The Double Ninth Festival is also known as the senior citizens’ festival because "double ninth" in Chinese has the same pronunciation as "longevity", meaning living a long life. Therefore, activities concerning ancestor worship and practice of filial piety are often held on this day. With such a profound meaning, people have special feelings for the festival. Therefore, there were no lack of excellent poems on celebration of the Double Ninth Festival and admiration of chrysanthemums in past dynasties.
