For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Le

游客2023-07-27  19

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Learning about Cultural Differences. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
    1. 现今,不同文化间的交流越来越频繁;
    2. 在国际交往中了解文化差异很重要;
    3. 如何了解文化差异。


答案                    Learning about Cultural Differences
    We are now in a time of globalization, and the communication between different cultures becomes more and more frequent. Do in Rome as the Romans do. This is an ancient proverb full of logic and wisdom, which has indicated the significance of learning about cultural differences.
    It is very important for us to learn about cultural differences in the international communication. For example, Americans are likely to speak out and express their ideas freely, but Chinese hold the conception that silence is golden. Ignorance of such cultural difference can lead to serious consequences. First, you may leave tile foreigners a bad image by doing something from a good will. Second, you will make both of you embarrassed by saying something casually. Worst of all, you may offend others or break your good relationships with the foreign friends.
    Now that learning about cultural differences is of great importance, what should we do to achieve it? You may acquire some knowledge through television programs or books which are about customs and cultures of other countries. Furthermore, you’d batter have a good foreign friend who can tell you some important information. To sum up, we should not be afraid of making mistakes in cross-cultural communication, and learn about cultural differences on our own initiative.
