For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Ad

游客2023-07-29  13

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Advantages and Disadvantages of One-child Policy. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.
1. 独身子女政策带来的变化。
2. 独身子女政策带来的社会问题。


答案                  Advantages and Disadvantages of One-child Policy
    As we know that China has been pursuing one-child policy for many years, and great changes have taken place since the policy was adopted. Firstly, the policy has greatly reduced the government’s pressure in energy supply, food supply, water supply and so on. Secondly, it has helped a lot in improving people’s living standards, especially in the rural areas.
    But just as every coin has two sides, the negative aspects of the policy are also apparent. To begin with, one-child policy has brought some social problems. For example, the only child is liable to become self-centered and selfish with all of the parents’ love. For another, children in the one-child families are much lonelier than those in the non-one-child families. And worst of all, the only child will have to undertake a much heavier burden with four parents to look after if he or she gets married. It’s not an easy job, indeed.
    Although the one-child policy has some disadvantages, I believe that it has done more good than harm to our society and our generation will definitely benefit from it. Therefore, we should continue to pursue the policy.
