[originaltext]M: I just stopped by your office in the bank. They told me that y

游客2023-07-19  12

M: I just stopped by your office in the bank. They told me that you had quit. Where are you working now?
W: I am working for a lawyer now. The pay is better and the work is much more interesting.
Q: Where did the woman work before?
M: Do you know how I can get to the research lab from here?
W: Walking from here is out of the question, and the last bus has gone already. Do you have a car?
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、The research lab is far away.
B、The research lab is closed.
C、She does not know how late the buses run.
D、She does not know the way to the research lab.

答案 A

解析 弦外之音题。男士问女士如何去科研实验室,女士告诉他想步行去那里是不可能的,而且最后一班公交车已经发车了,并问男士自己有没有车。言外之意,科研实验室太远了,在没有公交车的情况下只能开车去。