[originaltext]W: This morning I came across Paul.He looked much more handsome t

游客2023-07-17  14

W: This morning I came across Paul.He looked much more handsome than before.
M: Really?I haven’t seen hhn for ages.Has he grown taller?
Q: What’s the man’s impression of Paul?
W: I hope you have a good flight.
M: The weaffer’s supposed to be clear all down the coast,,so it should be very smooth.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

选项 A、At an airport.
B、At a boat dock.
C、At a weather station.
D、At a beach.

答案 A

解析 由女士说的have a good flight可知男士即将乘飞机。所以对话最可能发生在机场,故A正确。