Praise, if too much can lead to an unexpected effect opposite to out intention.

游客2023-07-15  12

问题 Praise, if too much can lead to an unexpected effect opposite to out intention. [br] It’s wise to discuss With older children on how they can get the things they want instead of complaining that things Cost much.

选项 A、Y

答案 A

解析 定位到文中第二个小标题下第四段第二句Sit down with her and work out together how she can make the purchase happen—as a reward for improved grades,say, or by buying it with an allowance for doing extra chores.[精析] 同义转述题[考频:22]。本题考查父母应该如何应对大一些的孩子提出的购买要求。根据原文可知,当大孩子提出购买要求后,父母应坐下来和孩子一起想办法,看怎样能得到她想买的东西,或者以奖励的方式,或者让她多干些家务以多挣点零花钱。题干意思与原文相符。